ProjectWise Geospatial Explorer Help

Scan MapInfo Files > Choosing the Search Strategy

The second part in setting up the wizard is to determine how you want to search for the documents. Two different approaches are available:

  • Setting up a Priority Search — specifying a list of folders in which to search and defining a search priority for those folders.

  • Setting up a Proximity Search — using the folders and documents selected to search for MapInfo files as the starting point for a Proximity Search. Or, you can set some folder level above the selected folders and documents as the starting point for scanning. Optionally, subfolders can be searched.

Suppose all the WOR files are in a folder called "wor" and all the table files are located in a folder named "tablefiles". Suppose the "wor" and "tablefiles" folders are not neighbors, that is, the "tablefiles" folder is not a subfolder of the "wor" folder and vice-versa.

If you want to group together the wor files and their constituting tablefiles in a logical set, in such a situation, the Priority Search approach should be used to add the "tablefiles" folder as a searched folder. Configuring the search this way would ensure that an optimal number of files are found by the scanning engine when processing the WOR files from the "wor" folder.